total of 100 steps can be configured for each sequence, and a total of 10 sequences are
available for storage. With List mode enabled, the AC waveform sequences with various ranges
can be generated. The power line disturbance (PLD) waveforms may also be added, as required,
to simulate fluctuation of network voltages and evaluate the result of a unit under such
There are three steps to set up for programming and running a list program (in order):
Configure List setting
Edit List (Program) File
Recall and Run Program
The following sections will go into the details of setting up all three.
Note: It is recommended that the Trigger Source be configured prior to setting up the
configurations. Additionally, the output of the power supply must be disabled
prior to setting up the configurations.
Note: At the start of a list program, there is a 50 ms delay in which the power supply will
output 0 V before it begins outputting according to the parameters in the first step
of the list.
Configure List Setting
In list mode, users are able to trigger/initiate a list using various sources such as, manual trigger
(front panel*), bus line trigger, or external BNC**. Please see the Configure Trigger Source
section for details on how to select a trigger source.
*There are two manual trigger options to start a list, see below for more details.
**See the “
External BNC
” section for details on how to configure.
Users have the option to start a list program by simply pressing the
button or sending
a trigger signal to the unit.
Follow the steps below to configure this setting:
From the CONFIG menu, browse and select List-Set and press
On the following screen, select between On/Off or Trigger. Then press
On/Off – selecting this option will allow the On/Off button to start a list.