PC/EDP and printer interface
Operating instructions eS10
38034911005 en
PC/EDP and printer interface
The device can be optionally equipped with one or two serial interfaces RS 232 for con-
nection of PC/EDP or printer. The serial interface works w/o control and signal cables.
Interface parameters baud rate, parity and data bit are separate for PC/EDP or printer.
Separate data records can be selected for the PC/EDP output as also for the printer.
PC/EDP interface
The PC/EDP interface allows a bidirectional data exchange from the scale to external devi-
ces. The data is transferred asynchronously in ASCII code.
The control of the data transfer is ensured by parity supplement. The dialog frame is cre-
ated by control characters.
The specified characters in the data formats and dialog frames are ASCII characters. Iden-
tifier, sequential identifiers, function commands and control characters have a gray back-
ground and the hex values are additionally shown in brackets.
PC/EDP standard dialog
The dialog frame is operated w/o control characters for receive request, start characters
and w/o positive or negative acknowledgment. Separators and logic acknowledgments can
be set in the parameter menu, see page 56.
Standard dialog frame
Data record with 2 end characters
Logic acknowledgments
Acknowledgment good, command is executed.
Acknowledgment negative, command not executable.
Acknowledgment good, command will be executed after scale is in no-mo-
tion condition. A good or negative acknowledgment or function result fol-
Logic acknowledgments can be selected or deselected in the EDP pa-
rameter menu (step 74).