Operating instructions eS10
38034911005 en
Special characters in the display
This symbol signalizes that the displayed measured value is a net value. Tar-
ing was performed.
Operating mode tendency control
In this operating mode the weight is determined in reference to a specified tar-
get weight. The absolute or relative difference as compared to the target
weight will be displayed.
Operating mode totals
In this operating mode the weight values of several items from the total memo-
ry are displayed.
Operating mode number of pieces
In this operating mode the number of pieces of several products to be weighed
is established and displayed after the piece weight was weighed.
Display tare value
This symbol signalizes that the display shows a tare value.
T: Weighed value (tare balancing)
PT: Manual tare value (EDP)
Battery operation
This symbol shows the battery pack operation in scales with integrated battery
pack. If the battery pack power falls below 50%, the symbol flashes.
This symbol shows that a recording process is running (data transfer to printer
or EDP interface).
Unit symbol
This field shows the unit of the measured value (g, kg, t, lb, pcs).
Symbol for approved or non-approved operation
For scales subject to legal control only: In approved operation this symbol
must not flash. If the symbol flashes, metrologically relevant data is not protec-
Multi-range scale: effective range is "1", "2" or "3".