Exporting a Specific Patient File:
At the Patient Management screen, touch the patient’s name and touch <Next>.
At the Patient Management – Test Results screen, touch <Export CSV>. The file is saved to a
new folder named BioCsv on the USB flash drive.
Exporting a Set of Files:
At the Patient Management screen, touch <Export Multiple>.
Figure 7.19.
Export Multiple Patient Files.
On the Multiple Data Export screen (see Figure 7.19), filter the files to export:
Set the Type: whole patient records or specify a test type.
Set the Time Frame: From a specific date, Prior To a specific date, between two dates
(From/To). Enter the date.
Select the format to export: CSV or the Biodex proprietary format, biodata.
Touch <Export USB> to copy the filtered data to the folder named BioCsv or BioData.
To Export a Multi-Record Data:
Use the Time Frame option of All to export every patient test results for specific test type into a
single CSV file. See Figure 7.20 for an example of this file in Microsoft Excel.
Figure 7.20.
Multiple Patients Data in CSV File.