Figure 5.1.
Percent Weight Bearing Training.
Weight Shift Training
Weight Shift Training allows patients to practice shifting their weight in medial/lateral,
anterior/posterior, or diagonal directions. This can be performed with the platform static or
dynamic. The user sets the orientation and the target range. The patient attempts to keep the
center of gravity indicated by the cursor within the target box (see Figure 5.2).
Scoring is a percentage of the net good hits divided by the total target hits. All hits outside the
boundary are subtracted from the total target hits. This value equals the net good hits. If the
cursor crosses a red boundary, a hit is subtracted from the good hit total.
For example: if a patient achieved ten target hits, but allowed the cursor outside the boundary
four times, then this training has 10 - 4 = 6 good hits and the score = 6/10 or 60%.
Figure 5.2.
Weight Shift Training.