Maze Control Training
In Maze Control Training mode, the patient follows a sequence of targets through a maze.
The patient moves the curser to each target as it blinks but must not let the cursor touch a wall
of the maze (see Figure 5.5).
Scoring is a percentage of the net good hits divided by the total target hits. All hits outside the
boundary are subtracted from the total target hits. This value is the net good hits. For example:
if all the targets are cleared on the easiest maze but the maze wall is hit 6 times, the score is
20/26, or 77%.
Set the length of time for the training session.
Set the resistance level of the platform: Static or 1 through 12.
Touch <Skill Level> until the desired configuration is displayed:
Easiest maze has 26 targets; 13 in each direction.
Moderate has 52 targets; 26 in each direction.
Difficult has 74 targets; 37 in each direction.
Figure 5.5.
Maze Control Training.