To have the memory contents of a user dis-
played, proceed as follows:
Step 1:
You must first activate memory mode to ac-
cess the measured value memory. To do this,
when the scale is in sleep mode, press the
UP/MEM button.
First, all display elements are displayed for
the self-test, and after about 2 seconds, the
selection menu for the user no. appears
(Fig. 5.1). To indicate that the scale is now
in memory mode, on the top line to the right
of the “user” symbol, the symbol “mem”
(“memory mode”) appears. This symbol
remains displayed as long as the scale is in
memory mode. In addition, the symbol for
the gender of the selected user is displayed
on the bottom line.
Fig. 5.1
Step 2:
The first user to be displayed is the one for
which the last measurement was carried out.
If you now repeatedly press the UP/MEM
button, all user nos. are displayed one after
the other which were activated in the settings
menu for the personal settings as described
in Section 3.6.1 “Activating/releasing the user
Select your personal user no. with the UP/
MEM button and press the START button to
confirm, which brings you to the date and
time display of the last measurement.
Step 3:
The display now shows the date of the last
stored measurement of the activated user,
which is indicated by the identifier “d” (date)
in the last place (after the 2nd dot) (Fig. 5.2).
Fig. 5.2
After about 5 seconds, or when you press
the START button, the display automatically
changes to the next display image and shows
the time of the measurement, indicated by
a “t” (time) in the last position (after the 2nd
dot) (Fig 5.3). If you don’t do anything,
5 Measured value memory
d v
ue m
5.1 Storing the measured values
For every user identity number, the
diagnostic scale automati-
cally stores the body data determined
during measurement, i.e. weight, body fat,
body water and muscle mass, together
with the date and time of measurement.
Once the memory is full (after a total of
40 measurements), the oldest result is over-
written by the result of the next measure-
ment. The measured values are retained in
the measured value memory even when
the battery is removed.
5.2 Calling the stored measured values
The stored measured data which is allocated
to a user no. can be called in memory mode
on the scale in the order from the last meas-
urement to the oldest stored measurement.