Step 2:
Now step barefoot onto the scale and make
sure that you’re standing on both electrodes
without allowing your feet to touch each
Stand still on the scale with your weight dis-
tributed evenly on both legs.
Step 1:
Tap the START button with your foot. As a
self-test, all display elements appear until the
user no. of the user is displayed who used the
scale last (Fig. 4.5).
Now select, also with your foot, your own
user no. where your personal basic data is
stored by tapping the UP/MEM button. Every
time you tap the UP/MEM button, the acti-
vated user numbers are displayed one after
the other.
After about three seconds or by tapping the
START button, the user no. is confirmed,
whereby the weight display “0.0” appears
after the user no. (Fig. 4.6 for user 3).
If you step onto the scale beforehand, the
error “E:1” is displayed and you have to re-
start the measurement.
Fig. 4.5: User no. “0” (guest mode)
Fig. 4.6: Scale is ready for measurement
4.2 Measuring weight, body fat, body water
and muscle percentages
When the scale is used by several persons,
the measured value memory can be config-
ured so that the measured data is allocated to
up to 8 different users based on the personal
user no. (1 to 8).
To do this, before using the scale for the first
time, each person must enter the required
personal user data via the settings menu of
the scale together with a personal user no.
(see Section 3.6: “Personal settings”).
Before each measurement, the user first en-
ters his personal user no. for identification.
The measured data is then saved under this
number after the measurement.
At the beginning, the scale is in its idle state,
the so-called sleep mode, where only the
current time is displayed (Fig. 3.2).
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