Creating Programs
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Deleting a Step
To delete a step, first select the step as indicated above such that the line or arrow
depicting that step turns red. Then, select the <Delete Step> button. The selected
step will be deleted and the following step will automatically be promoted.
Adding a Step
In graphical programs, a step is added directly after the step that is currently selected.
Graphical programs can contain a total of six temperature and gradient steps and one
goto step. To add a step, select the step that will immediately proceed the new step.
Then, select either the <Temp>, <Grad> or <GoTo> button to add either a temperature,
gradient or a goto step to the program. A goto step can not be the first or only step in
a program. See the sections immediately following for complete instructions on adding
specific types of steps and entering step parameters.
Now, let’s begin entering the steps for our example program.
Entering a Temperature Step
Recall again our raw program:
Use calculated temperature control mode
Use constant lid control mode at 100°C
An initial incubation at 94°C for 1 minute
92°C for 30 seconds
Gradient from 45°C to 65°C for 3 minutes
Goto step 1, 29 more times
An incubation at 10°C forever
The first actual step in the protocol is the incubation at 94°C for 1 minute. There are
three scenarios for programming this initial temperature step.
1. If there are no steps displayed:
Select <Temp>.
A temperature step will be added as the first step in the protocol with a default
temperature of 55.0°C and a duration of 30 seconds.
Proceed to scenario 3 for instructions on editing step parameters.
2. If the first step displayed is a gradient step:
Select the gradient step (step 1).
Select <Temp>.