Link Access Procedure Balanced
The last access by T-Service is stored and displayed in the configur-
Layer 1 of the ISO OSI Model, the bit transfer layer.
Liquid Crystal Display, a screen in which special liquid crystal is
used to display information.
Link Control Protocol
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
The "Lease Time" is the time a computer keeps the IP address as-
signed to it without having to "talk" to the DHCP server.
Leased line
Link Layer Control
Switching node of a public local telephone network that supports the
connection of end systems.
Function on telephones with an integrated loudspeaker: You can
press a button so that the people present in the room can also hear
the telephone call.
Every device in the network is defined by a fixed hardware address
(MAC address). The network card of a device defines this interna-
tionally unique address.
Encryption using public keys requires the public keys to be ex-
changed first. During this exchange, the unprotected keys can be in-
tercepted easily, making a "man-in-the-middle" attack possible. The
attacker can set a key at an early stage so that a key known to the
"man-in-the-middle" is used instead of the intended key from the
real communication partner.
Multifrequency code dialling method
Management Information Base
Switch for turning off the microphone. The subscriber on the tele-
phone cannot hear the discussions in the room.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
bintec R200 Series