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Insructions manual
BBS 500 B
3.1. Description of the machinery
The machine is designed in a modular way which allows easy replacement or adjustment of all major technology units
and their individual parts. The machine consists of three basic parts:
•. Basic.section
•. Traversing.bridge
•. Band.saw.arm
The basis of each machine is a basic section to which you can connect, according the required cut length, the
extension sections. Basic and extension sections are fitted with fixed log loading surfaces, clamps of material and
angular adjustable rests.
On traversing sections moves the bridge of the band saw arm. The movement of the bridge on sections is manual -
pushing. On the bridge is placed the arm of the saw band which is placed on pulleys in order to move up and down.
The vertical movement of the arm is secured by a chain drive and worm gear. The movement of the arm is manually
operated by handle with arrestment. Precise adjustment of the arm height allows a circular scale indicator.
On the right side of the arm is a drive wheel of the saw band, driven by a spark ignition engine through a two-stage
belt gear. The clutch function represents the belt tension by the move of the entire motor, and a quick stop of the saw
band is secured by the brake shoe acting on the pulley. Position of the drive wheel pin is adjustable. On the left side
is located a tension wheel system. The movable body of the tensioning system moves in the cast iron guiding. Both
wheels are made of light alloy. In the circumference of the wheel is a machine cut groove for V-belt which forms the
interface between the wheel and the saw band. When cutting, the saw band is guided on both sides with guides of
hard metal.
3.2. Machine design
The basic design of the machine is possible, for an extra fee, to supply with special accessories.
The basic version:
Traversing frame, with length of 4.5 meters can cut logs of a maximum 3.45 m, is equipped with three sets of angular
rests and clamps. Material handling and clamping is manual.
Special accessories:
Extending sections: the total length of 2.25 m, it extends the cutting length of the basic section by 2.25 m, contains
1x angular rest and 1x clamp. The number of extending sections is not limited.
Angular rest with clamp: The basic version can be fitted with a maximum of 6 angular rests with the clamp. Each
extension section can be equipped with a maximum of 3 angular rests with clamp.
3.3. Technical data
BBS 500 B
Max. diameter of the log
550 mm
Max. width of the beam (board)
530 mm
Max. stroke of the saw band
480 mm
Min. height of the saw band above the table
25 mm
Max. passage of the arm
200 mm
6 The cutting length of the basic section
3,45 m
The length of the extending section
2,25 m
Max. cutting length
9 Min. cutting length
0,75 m
The engine of the saw band
8,7 kW
11 Diameter of impellers
400 mm
Width of impellers
25 mm
Dimensions of the saw band
3340 × 27 × 0,9 mm
14 Cutting loss
1,5 - 2,2 mm
Saw band speed
15 m/s
16 Machine width - max.
1660 mm
Machine height min. - max.
1500 - 1600 mm
The length of the basic version incl. control panel
4,9 m
19 Weight of the basic version incl. accessories
370 kg
The length of the extending section
2.25 m
Weight of extension
73 kg
Working table height from floor
235 - 260 mm