LaserSpeed 8000/9000 I/O Module Instruction Handbook
Part No. 93342 / Drawing No. 0921-01516
Page 28 of 84
Revision E (Dec 2013)
The Setup Port can be used to set up the I/O Module and/or to set up the
LaserSpeed Gauge. Commands sent to the gauge are described in the
LaserSpeed Gauge Instruction Handbook. The I/O Module commands are
preceded by a ‘~’ character. A command preceded by a “.” instead of a “~” will
return the values comma delimited without the identifiers. The sequence is the
same as the ~ command.
The voltage output for MaxVel is 2.048 volts, and the output voltage for
the MinVel is 0.0 volts. First enter the velocity for an output of 0.0 volts (MinVel),
and then enter the velocity for an output of 2.048 volts (MaxVel).
Data Format
The table below illustrates the value represented by each output bit. The value is
dependent upon the units of measure chosen in the processor configuration.
Units Length/Bit Velocity/Bit
Length Resolution
Velocity Resolution
0.001 ft/bit
0.001 ft/min/bit
0.001 inches/bit
0.001 inches/min/bit
0.001 meters/bit
0.00001 m (10
0.001 meters/bit
0.001 m (1 mm/sec/bit)
The largest length that can be measured is 999,999.999 (meters, mm, feet,
yards, or inches). To output the decimal number as an integer, it is multiplied by
1000 to yield 999999999. To convert it back to a decimal number divide by 1000.
In hexadecimal notation, this number is 3B9AC9FF, which takes 30 bits to
represent. If the measured length exceeds this value, the output will remain
999999999. The maximum velocity, that can be measured, is 50,000.000
(meters/minute, mm/min, feet/minute or inches/second). To output the decimal
number as an integer, it is multiplied by 1000 to yield 50,000,000. To convert the
number back to decimal, divide by 1000. In hexadecimal notation this number is
2FAF080, which takes 26 bits to represent.
The resolution of the measurement increases to 5 places to the right of the
decimal point when the units of measurement are meters/second. In this case the
maximum velocity is 254.00000 meters/second. To output this decimal as an
integer, it is multiplied by 100,000 to yield 25,400,000 (18392C0 in hexadecimal).
This takes 25 bits to represent. To convert this number back to decimal, divide
by 100,000. Thus a length measurement requires 30 bits maximum for output
and a velocity measurement requires a maximum of 25 bits of value and 1 bit for