Repeat to assemble another end wall frame.
Step 2
Install Siding on End Walls
Install siding panels. Install the siding to extend 3/4" below the bottom 2x4 plate. Cut the
top and sides flush with the top and side of the frame.
WARNING: Before you apply siding on the other end wall frame, you will
need to turn the wall frame over before applying siding! If you don't, the
siding will face the inside of the building!
Step 3
Assemble Roof Trusses
Before removing the 2x4 blocks, assemble the roof trusses. This will insure the trusses will
match the shape of the end wall. Locate a 47" long 2x4 and a 69-1/2" long 2x4 and place
against the upper blocks nailed on the floor.
Reposition 2x4 blocks under the truss 2x4 to further secure these boards.
Assemble (4) four more trusses, applying wood gussets to
both sides of the trusses. Nail gussets to truss using 6d
common nails. For additional strength, apply wood glue
between gussets and 2x4 framing. Note: For a 10' long
building, assemble (3) three more trusses.
Wood Gusset
Siding Flush with Frame
Siding Extends 3/4"
Below Plate