Indications description:
: the actuator is not opened.
: the actuator is opened.
If the green symbol is blinking, it means that the actuator is running in the open direction.
: the actuator is not closed.
: the actuator is closed.
If the red symbol is blinking, it means that the actuator is running in the close direction
: on the first line it is the current position of the actuator (Open, Close or 1 to 99 % open).
On the second line it is the current torque of the actuator (10 % to 150 %).
AUTO control:
To access to the Valve Command screen you must be
logged in with a Super-User or Maintenance account.
To see how to log in refer to part 10.1 Log in access.
For an actuator used in modulating mode with a
positioning function, a command can be selected by
position set-point.
Buttons description:
or F1: these buttons allow you to come back to Valve status screen.
press the position setting box and enter a value between 0 and 100, corresponding to the
position you want the actuator to go to. Then press the symbol ‘%’ or F3 to validate your
these buttons allow you to activate the auxiliaries commands.
Press the button to change the arrow position to select the command you want to activate.
control offers, in addition to the Open, Close and Stop commands, two auxiliaries’ com-
mands. For more details, refer to part 9.2. Configure your actuator.
For example:
: the selector is in Remote position.
: the selector is in Local position.