It is displayed when the actuator is running in the open direction.
It is displayed when the actuator is running in the close direction.
It means that the actuator is not open.
It means that the actuator is open.
It means that the actuator is not closed.
It means that the actuator is closed.
The bargraph represents the percentage of opening (0% = close position and
100% = open position).
This symbol is displayed if the actuator is not available for one of the following reasons:
- The selector is in Local or Off position
- The torque limiter is activated
- Motor thermal overload activated: The actuator will be available again as soon as the motor
has cooled down.
- Phase loss fault: Only in 3-phase mode, one phase is missing. No start-up allowed.
- Valve too hard: Opening or closing is incomplete as the torque is too high.
- Rotation direction fault: Direction of rotation non-compliant in opening or closing mode.
- Actuator jam alarm: The actuator is jammed when either opening or closing.
- Torque or position sensor fault: The actuator no longer receives any information from the
torque or position sensor.
- Partial movement Fault: The partial movement test has detected a fault.
In addition on the right part of the screen there is a fault list. The messages are displayed only
when the fault is actually present and will disappear when the problem will be fixed.