Shutter actuator 4gang 6A 230V manual
© Gebr. Berker 2005
Version: 10.05.2005
Page: 16 / 17
(Subject to prior change)
Part 7
Cyclical monitoring time for
safety 1 and 2
1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 min.
10; 11; 12; 20; 40 min.
1; 2 Std.
Setting of monitoring time for both safety
Cyclical monitoring deactivated when
setting is "none".
Safety lock with object value
for safety 1
0 (safety unlock
= 1)
1 (safety unlock
= 0)
Defines the polarity of safety object 1.
Safety lock with object value
for safety 2
0 (safety unlock
= 1)
1 (safety unlock
= 0)
Defines the polarity of safety object 2.
Assignment output 1
resp. output 1/3
No assignment
Safety 1
Safety 2
Safety 1 OR
safety 2
Defines te assignment of output 1 resp. of
outputs 1/3 to the safety functions.
Each output channel can be separately
assigned to safety functions 1 or 2 or
alternatively to both safety functions.
The safety function is deactivated for te
The output responds only to safety function
The output responds only to safety function
The output responds to both safety
functions; the safety objects resp. functions
are combined by logic OR. This means that
the respective channel is safety-locked as
soon as one of the objects is active. In this
case, the output channel is enabled only
after both objects are deactivated. Only in
this case is a position follow-up for a
channel assigned to both functions
possible after the end of a safety lock.
Response at the beginning
and end, output 1 resp.
output 1/3
no reaction
no reaction
no reaction
moving up
moving up
moving up
moving down
moving down
moving down
no reaction
moving up
moving down
no reaction
moving up
moving down
no reaction
moving up
moving down
Defines the reaction of output 1 resp. of
outputs 1/3 at the beginning resp. at the
end of an active safety lock.
If the position is to be followed up and can
also be followed up at the end of a safety
function, the actions parameterized "at the
end" will not be executed.
Assignment, outputs 2 to 4
resp. output 2/4
see output 1
Response at the beginning
and end, outputs 2 to 4
resp. output 2/4
see output 1