temperature increase on full power too low
The error message clearly points out a problem of the
kiln. Possible causes:
• mains fuse / phase broken, heating elements broken
• heating elements too old (on high temperatures)
• short circuit on thermocouple or compensating wire
• contactor broken (check after operating for some time !)
kiln does not follow programmed temperature increase
Other then error 4 bad programme values are the
cause for this message. Firing is not interrupted !
Message comes up only if enabled in the
configuration (appendix C, parameter 9).
ramp has been continued automatically
If the temperature increase does not follow the
programme the ramp is held on (see section „Kiln can
not follow the Ramp“). If the controllers finds the kiln
unable to catch up with the temperature the firing is
continued and this message is shown for 1 minute.
SKIP ramp has been interrupted
In an uncontrolled ramp the controller tries to match
all zone temperatures to the requested final value. If
the controller found the kiln unable to achieve this it
continues to the next section. In this case the error
message A9 is shown for 1 minute to inform the user.
firing process after power breakdown continued
After re-establishing power supply the firing process
has been continued.
Error A4
Error A5
Error A8
Error A9
Error B2