02/ 2020
6. Ambient conditions
- The BENNING CM 1-4 is intended for measurements under dry ambient
- Maximum barometric height for measurements: 2000 m
- Overvoltage category / installation category: IEC 60664/ IEC 61010 → 600 V
category IV; 1000 V category III
- Contamination class: 2
- Protection category: IP 65 (DIN VDE 0470-1 IEC/ EN 60529)
6 - first index: protection against access to dangerous parts and protection
against solid impurities, dustproof
5 - second index: protected against water jets. The device can also be used
in the rain.
- Operating temperature and relative air humidity:
For operating temperatures from - 15 °C to 30 °C: relative air humidity lower
than 80 %.
For operating temperatures from 31 °C to 40 °C: relative air humidity lower
than 75 %.
For operating temperatures from 41 °C to 55 °C: relative air humidity lower
than 45 %.
- Storage temperature:
The BENNING CM 1-4 can be stored at temperatures between - 20 °C and
+ 60 °C (air humidity 0 to 80 %). During storage, the battery should be re
7. Electrical specifications
Note: The measuring accuracy is specified as the sum of:
- a relative part of the measured value and
- a number of digits (i.e. counting steps of the last digit).
This measuring accuracy applies to temperatures from 23 °C ± 5 °C and a rela
tive air humidity lower than 80 %.
The measuring value is gained and indicated as effective value (True RMS, AC
coupling). In case of non-sinusoidal curves, the indicating value becomes inac
curate. Thus, an additional error occurs for the following crest factors:
crest factor from 1.0 to 2.0 additional error + 1.0 %
crest factor from 2.0 to 2.5 additional error + 2.5 %
crest factor from 2.5 to 3.0 additional error + 4.0 %
max. crest faktor:
crest faktor 3 @ 5000 Digit
crest faktor 1.5 @ 9999 Digit
7.1 AC voltage ranges
Overload protection: 1000 V
Measuring range Resolution
Measurement accuracy
in frequency range 45 Hz - 400 Hz
With batteries
6.0 V - 999.9 V
0.1 V
± (1.5 % of r 7 digits)
Without batteries
45.0 V - 999.9 V
0.1 V
The input resistance for voltage measurement depends on the applied voltage:
approx. 20 kΩ at 50 V to approx. 305 kΩ at 1000 V
U > 300 V: tON: 30 s, tOFF: 240 s
For frequencies higher than 65 Hz, the lower measuring range is 8 V.
Valid for temperatures < 35 °C … > - 15 °C
7.2 DC voltage ranges
Overload protection: 1000 V
Measuring range Resolution
Measurement accuracy
With batteries
6.0 V - 999.9 V
0.1 V
± (1.0 % of r 4 digits)
Without batteries
35.0 V - 999.9 V
0.1 V
The input resistance for voltage measurement depends on the applied voltage:
approx. 20 kΩ at 50 V to approx. 305 kΩ at 1000 V
U > 300 V: tON: 30 s, tOFF: 240 s
Valid for temperatures < 35 °C … > - 15 °C