The following instrucons detail how the ceramic fuel bed and loose components are to be
installed onto the appliance. Great care should be taken when handling these ceramic parts as
they are fragile and can easily be broken. Do not force any component into posion, if it does not
fit easily then you are not fiBng the part correctly. These instrucons can also be followed to
remove or reinstall the fuel bed aer cleaning. This is a procedure that can be undertaken by the
customer as required and the frequency will be depend upon use.
See page 6 for glass door removal and installa>on.
The fuel bed setup involves the installaon of volcanic rock, ceramic bark, ember wire and a
boxed set of ceramic decorave logs. These components will have been installed by your gas
engineer at the point of installaon, however it is permiLed for the end user to remove clean and
replace these components as necessary. The following installaon instrucons must be adhered
to at all mes.
The following diagram is for idenficaon purposes. It is imperave that the logs are placed in the
correct posion for safety and also to ensure that you obtain opmal performance from your