The ‘ L ‘ to the right in the current status column indicates that the mode is available when the limit SW on the panel is at the limit
[Note 1] The beeper keeps sounding while the operation SW is pressed and held down. An operation prohibition input is present
(prohibit-all or prohibit-lowering).
Annex 1. List of beeper sounds and messages
Beeper sound
Current status
Pip, pip, pip, with one second intervals
Store SW has been pressed to shift to the preset position setup mode.
Pip, pip, pip, with 1.5 second intervals
Limit position setup mode (position movement mode) L
Pip-pip, pip-pip, pip-pip…
Waiting for limit position setup to be saved (limit target waiting for a command) L
No beeper sound
Margin setup mode
Pip-pip-pip, pip-pip-pip, pip-pip-pip…
Communication speed switch mode
[24] or [48] in setup mode.
Poo-poo-poo, Poo-poo-poo…
Doctor ID setup mode
Poo-poo-poo-poo, Poo-poo-poo-poo…
Beeper enable/disable setup mode
The display shows the setup status.
Pip-pip-pip-pip-pip, pip-pip-pip-pip-pip…
Leg rest operation mode
Pip-pip-pip-pip, pip-pip-pip-pip…
An ON SW (ON SWs) at power-up is detected. After 5 cycles of beeper sound, the
operation proceeds to the next step.
C, C, C
At power-up: Rise/lower-potentiometer related malfunction occurred.
C-D, C-D, C-D
At power-up: Recline-potentiometer related malfunction occurred.
C-D-E, C-D-E…
At power-up: Leg-rest-potentiometer related malfunction occurred.
C-D-E-F-G, C-D-E-F,
memory failure (Majority voting memory (EEPROM) access discrepancy)
memory failure (unsuccessful EEPROM writing)
Prohibit-all input is present.
“Prohibit lowering” input 1 is present.
“Prohibit lowering” input 2 is present.
Beep (while the SW is pressed and held down)
An operation SW corresponding the operation-prohibit input target has been pressed.
Batch initialization took place.