(c) 2.4GHz (802.11b)
Click here to use only the 802.11b radio band.
(d) 2.4GHz (802.11b/g)
Click here to use both the 802.11b and 802.11g radio band.
(e) Fragmentation threshold
Click on the bar to adjust the fragmentation threshold.
Fragmentation can be set between 256 and 2346 bytes. Using
fragmentation to divide frames into smaller pieces can increase
transmission reliability but increase overhead and reduce
performance speeds. Setting the fragmentation threshold to 2346
disables fragmentation and is the default setting.
(f) RTS/CTS Threshold
Click on the bar to adjust the RTS/CTS threshold. RTS/CTS can
be set between 256 and 2346 bytes. Using RTS/CTS (Request
to Send/Clear to Send) will control the data sent to minimize
collisions with other PCs sending data on the same network.
Setting RTS/CTS threshold to 2346 disables RTS/CTS and is the
default setting.
(g) Power Saving
Select from either Off, Max, or Dynamic. The “Max” setting draws
less power from your PC when you want to conserve battery
power or when you are in close range; the “Off” setting will
enable the highest performance but draws the most power from
your PC; and the “Dynamic” setting will adjust the power setting
automatically for a moderate level of power.
(h) Transmitted Rate
Select the transmit rate for data transmission. Lower speeds will
give better range but slower throughput speeds.
(i) 2.4GHz Preamble
Select from either “Long” or “Auto Preamble” type. Auto is
recommended for high network traffic environments.
Using the Belkin Wireless Utility