Belanger, Inc. ®* 1001 Doheny Ct. * Northville, MI 48167 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Routine Procedures
Start with a “Test Wash” to insure proper operation of all equipment.
Check overall performance for any abnormalities.
Inspect for clogged nozzles. This can best be done while running the
“Test Wash”. Nozzles
can be cleaned by removing the nozzle bodies and tapping or inserting a thin wire into the
nozzle opening.
Check for water, chemical, or air leaks after equipment is turned off.
Check all water hose connections for leaks.
Verify that Hub Caps on the Hub Assembly are tight to the media and secured in place.
Go through the Hub Assembly and make sure that all fasteners that hold the Hub Skins in
place are tight.
Check counterweight on the TopWinder® cleaning wheel to confirm the desired balance.
Adjust as necessary.
Check penetration weight of the TopWinder® cleaning wheel. Add or remove counterweight
as needed.
Hose down the component and surrounding area. This will remove the majority of the dirt and
other debris that builds up throughout a week.
Wash TopWinder® components down. See Powder Coat Cleaning procedure.
ShineMitt™ cleaning material for wear. Replace if necessary.