A ratio of 1:1 indicates, that the output signal will correspond to the input signal i.e., there is no level change.
A ratio of 2:1 indicates, that for every 1 dB decrease in input level below the threshold, there will be resultant
corresponding decrease in the output level of 2 dB. A ratio of 30:1 indicates, that for a 1 dB decrease in input
level below the threshold, there will be a corresponding decrease in the output level of 30 dB etc.
The GAIN REDUCTION meter consists of eight LEDs on the front panel of the BEHRINGER INTELLIGATE.
This meter provides a convenient visual indication of the amount of gain reduction that is taking place at any
time. If a signal exceeds the input level of the threshold point, this function of the compressor comes into play
and the GAIN REDUCTION meter shows the actual measurement of gain reduction.
As an example, consider a signal that drops below the threshold point by 2 dB: with a ratio setting of 6:1, the
output level will be decreased by 12 dB (providing the time and the RANGE controls are set accordingly). This
means that the signal level has been reduced by 12 dB, which is indicated by the 10 dB LED.
Although the VCA of the BEHRINGER INTELLIGATE features a control range of 100 dB, it is not useful to
display the entire range, as in practice, such a broad control range will hardly be required.
The visual range of the GAIN REDUCTION meter is 40 dB.
COUPLE function
When phase coherent stereo signals are to be expanded, it is necessary for the gain controls of both channels
of the expander to be simultaneously controlled, otherwise the stereo image will shift within the sound field, as
the relative levels of the left and right signals vary.
When the COUPLE switch is engaged, the INTELLIGATE functions in stereo mode, whereby the left channel
takes over the control of both channels, so that the control voltage in channel 2 is replaced by the control
voltage in channel 1. When the COUPLE switch is activated, all controls and switches belonging to channel 2
are put out of action, with the exception of the KEY LISTEN switch. The controls of channel 1 take over the
regulation of channel 2. Both channels now work together as in a stereo fader.
DUCKER function
An expander or gate opens its audio channel, as soon as a certain level has been exceeded. A ducker works
in exactly the opposite way: when the key signal exceeds the threshold point, this will result in an attenuation
of the audio signal. As the key signal drops below the threshold, the audio signal gain returns to unity.
All controls remain active while in Ducker mode.
Each channel contains an insertable low and high pass filter section which provides you with a slope of
12 dB/octave. The adjustable filters of this highly flexible equalizer can be used to filter out or isolate specific
frequencies which would otherwise create mis-triggering.
2.7.1 KEY EXT function
An external signal can be sent via the KEY RETURN jack, which allows the unit to be controlled externally. By
engaging the KEX EXT switch, the BEHRINGER INTELLIGATE can be controlled externally e.g. “gating” of an
audio signal by an independent control signal.
2.7.2 KEY LISTEN function
Using this switch will enable you to connect the key control signal to the audio output, whilst at the same time
muting the audio input. This function provides you with the ability to monitor the key signal that is returned via
inserted equalizers or other external processors. The KEY LISTEN function will assist you with tuning the key
filters or the monitoring of external processing devices.