2.2.1 THRESHOLD control
The THRESHOLD control of the Expander defines the operating level. It stretches across a very wide range and
therefore applies to all working levels.
Input levels above the adjusted threshold point do not experience any change. However, if the level falls below
the threshold, the dynamics process is active. Simple noise-gates only provide you with one control for adjusting
the threshold. Controls for varying the envelope parameters are omitted.
The BEHRINGER INTELLIGATE is equipped with a full complement of controls to adjust all the required
parameters. How important these parameters are, will be discussed in more detail in subsequent chapters.
2.2.2 ATTACK-, RELEASE- and HOLD controls
The BEHRINGER INTELLIGATE provides you with three controls for defining the envelope shape:
Fig. 2.2: The envelope principle
ATTACK control
The quality of an expander/gate is essentially determined by a fast attack time. It is defined as the amount of
time that the expander/gate needs to return to unity gain, once the signal has exceeded the threshold.
An extremely quick attack time is necessary for very fast transients, e.g. for handclaps or percussive instruments,
so that the expander does not loose the initial transients and affect the sound.
The new UTR (Ultra Transient Response) circuit, in conjunction with a Class-A VCA circuit, the unit allows for
instantaneous attack parameters without the all too familiar switching noise found when using most conventional
The wide control range of the ATTACK control also allows for a gentle rise time of a signal, in order to produce
creative effects.
RELEASE control
Another parameter is the release time: this determines the time that an expander requires to attenuate the
signal by a certain amount, after it has fallen below the threshold.
The most suitable release time is entirely dependent on the programme material. In order to adapt to the
programme material, the INTELLIGATE can be adjusted so that it operates in a wide range.
HOLD control
The HOLD control produces an adjustable delay, which holds off the onset of the release cycle when the key
signal falls below the threshold. This function is especially useful during the recording of frequently interrupted
signals, e.g. a spoken word recording or perfomance, to avoid repeated triggering of the gate in between