Commissioning and configuration
Version: 1.3
Size (byte.bit)
0xF101:0D 0.1
Device Diag Occurrence of events (on the slave side) is reported via a
status bit
0xF101:10 0.1
Device State Interruption of communication with one of the slaves is reported
via a status bit
0xF100:01 1.0
State Ch.1
0x_0 = Port disabled
0x_1 = Port in std dig in
0x_2 = Port in std dig out
0x_3 = Port in communication OP
0x_4 = Port in communication COMSTOP / dig in Bit (only in
the std. IO Mode)
0x_8 = Process Data Invalid Bit
0x1_ = Watchdog detected
0x2_ = internal Error
0x3_ = invalid Device ID
0x4_ = invalid Vendor ID
0x5_ = invalid IO-Link Version
0x6_ = invalid Frame Capability
0x7_ = invalid Cycle Time
0x8_ = invalid PD in length
0x9_ = invalid PD out length
0xA_ = no Device detected
0xB_ = error PreOP/Data storage (error in IO-Link State
0xF100:02 1.0
State Ch.2
0xF100:03 1.0
State Ch.3
0xF100:04 1.0
State Ch.4
Accessing IO-Link parameters
The exchange of the acyclic data takes place via a specified index and subindex range that is device-specific
and can be read about in the corresponding vendor documentation.