Commissioning and configuration
Version: 1.3
Standard Command (Index 0x0002)
The IO-Link master writes various IO-Link-specific commands to the “Standard Command” during startup.
Some of these commands are available in the TwinCAT interface (see figure below).
1. Click “Standard Command” in the parameter list of the “All Objects” user role, then double-click
“Standard Command” in the right-hand field.
2. Select the desired value from the list of different options and
• “Device Reset”: Restarts the IO-Link device.
• “Application Reset”: No function.
• “Restore Factory Settings”: Restoring the application parameters, i.e. the Settings parameter (0x0800).
3. Use the “Write”
The data is written to the device (offline configuration is possible). The successful writing process is
confirmed via a storing symbol in front of the index.
Fig. 36: Parameters IO-Link device “Standard Command”