Commissioning and configuration
Version: 1.0
Warning and error messages
Protective functions output warning and error messages.
Warning messages
are temporary. They indicate that a measured variable lies outside of the nominal
operating range. The warning message is canceled if the measured variable returns to within the nominal
operating range.
Error messages
are persistent. They persist until they are actively reset:
They also persist after a voltage reset (U
A protective function signals through an error message that it has switched off at least one output voltage.
Warning messages and error messages are signaled in two ways:
• Status bits in the process data
Use the Status bits to narrow down the cause of warnings or errors.
Status bits for group errors
• „Global Error Bit“
(Input variable "DPO Inputs Device" > "Device Status").
This Status bit is set with every error message. If it is not set, there is no error message from any
protective function.
• „Channel Error“
(Input variables "DPO Inputs Channel n" > "Status").
These Status bits are set with every error message that concerns the respective EtherCAT P port.
Global Status bits
Input variable: „DPO Inputs Device“ > „Device Status“:
Status bit
Responsible protective function
Warning Temperature
Error Temperature
Warning Us
Error Us
Warning Up
Error Up
Warning Sum Current
Overcurrent protection for sum currents [
Error Sum Current
Status bits per EtherCAT P port
Input variable: „DPO Inputs Channel n“ > „Status“
(n = 0 for X52, n = 1 for X53, n = 2 for X54, n = 3 for X55)
Status bit
Responsible protective function
Error Us
Error Up
Warning Us
Warning Up
Error Sum Current
Overcurrent protection for sum currents [
Warning Sum Current