Version: 2.1.0
Program description
The program increments a value >Profibus_Out_1< as long as the variable Profibus_Input_1 contains the
value 0
. At the same time, the first digital output cycles with approx. 2 Hz. In the System Manager, the
variable >Var 36< can be forced to a value unequal zero. This stops the counter, and the first digital output is
set to a fixed value of 1
Switching between controllers
Switching from BCxx00 to BCxx50/BCxx20
File names
In the Bus Terminal controllers of the BCxx50 and BCxx20 series, libraries have the extension *.lbx,
programs have the extension *.prx.
Flag variables
The allocated flag variables
• of the BCxx00 are assigned %MB0...%MB511 (except BC9000/BC9100: %MB0...%B4095).
• of the BCxx20 are assigned %MB0...%MB4095
• of the BCxx50 are assigned %MB0...%MB4095
Status information such as K-bus/fieldbus status and cycle tick is not copied to the BCxx50/BCxx20. This
information is available in TcSystemBCxx50.lbx as a function for the BCxx50/BCxx20.
The allocated flags do
act as retain variables.
Retain data
The retain data have to be declared as
. Up to 2 kbyte are available.
PLC Variables
In the Default-Config the PLC variables start from %IB1000 and %QB1000.
Large model
Not applicable for BCxx50 and BCxx20.
Max. memory:
• BCxx50: 48 kbyte
• BCxx20: 128 kbyte
Task time
The task time is specified in the PLC Control. It should be set to a realistic value (measuring of PLC cycle
time and K-Bus). The background time is not used.
Task configuration
A maximum of one task is available. This task must be configured.
PLC and fieldbus terminals
For the standard Bus Terminal Controllers (BCxx00) it was possible to select whether a Bus Terminal is
assigned to the fieldbus or the local PLC.
In the default configuration of the BCxx50/BCxx20 all Bus Terminals are assigned to the local PLC. An
assignment to the fieldbus is not possible in this case.