Parameterization and Commissioning
Version: 2.1.0
Fig. 32: Inserting BX3100
Inserting the BX3100 in a PROFIBUS master via the System Manager
Select your PROFIBUS master PC card in the System Manager and right-click on your PROFIBUS master
card. The PROFIBUS devices will then be offered for selection, among them a BX3100. Select this and
confirm with OK.
Opening an existing BX file
If you wish to work with the DEFAULT-CONFIG, interrupt the process at this point (see Creating PROFIBUS
data in DEFAULT-CONFIG). Otherwise select your configured BX file. If no such file exists, you have to
create one (
). Once you have selected your BX file, all required PROFIBUS data are
copied automatically into your project from this file. You now have to create a link to your task and set the
PROFIBUS address. The configuration can then be saved and the TwinCAT system started.
• The PROFIBUS data can now be created. Various variables are available:
◦ Integer 8 bit
◦ Integer 16 bit
◦ Integer 32 bit
◦ Unsigned 8 bit
◦ Unsigned 16 bit
◦ Unsigned 32 bit
◦ FLOAT 32 bit
They have to match the variable types currently projected in the BX.
Data sizes from 1 byte to 64 words are available.