Occupancy sensing with pets in the home is accomplished by masking off the lower part of
the sensing lens.
You should locate your sensors in high-traffic areas of your house so that they will be most
likely to sense when people are present. The sensors from Bay have a 10+ foot range and will
sense people as they pass in front of the sensor. We have found that locating them at about
chest height or higher works well.
Once you have installed your occupancy sensors login to the web portal to enable them. To
enable occupancy sensing select the “Schedule” page from the thermostat applet menu and
set the “Occupancy Inactivity Time”. We suggest using 1 hour for this interval initially, you can
adjust this value later if needed to suit your lifestyle.
If you are using sensors not supplied by Bay, you may need to configure the thermostat to
look for other wireless IDs or to monitor the wired input. This is done on the “Settings” page of
the thermostat applet.
After enabling occupancy sensing review your schedule and set your “Sensing”, “Sleep” , and
“Home” times as described above. Your thermostat will now automatically adapt your HVAC
operation to match your lifestyle.
Testing Occupancy Sensing
If you want to see if the sensors are working as expected, login to the web portal and select
“Sensor Log” from the thermostat applet menu.
The thermostat applet “Operation Log” will give a detailed view of occupancy sensing
Occupancy Sensing with Multiple Thermostats
If you are using multiple BAYweb thermostats in the same building, and wish to have each
thermostat sense occupancy (using wireless sensors) in separate areas, you will need to
configure the occupancy sensors with different X10 device IDs.
The default X10 ID of Bay supplied sensors is “A1”. Note that these sensors also use an ID
that is one more than what is configured (default “A2”) for other purposes, do not use the next
ID for occupancy sensing. For example, acceptable IDs would be A1, A3, A5...
Refer to the instructions provided with the sensor for detail on how to change the sensor's
X10 ID. Configure the thermostat to look for the alternate X10 IDs on the “Settings” page of
the thermostat applet.