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8.3.3. Scan Configuration
Using the ‘Settings’ button prior to the scan will bring up additional options and allow the
walking speed to be changed if necessary. Once a scan has begun the walking speed will be fixed
and further changes will not be possible. Figure 31 below shows the Settings window.
Figure 31: Graph and Grid Settings
Using this window an offset can be applied to the Grad-13 measurements to counteract any
background noise or to start the measurement from a zero point.
Do not offset:
data will be displayed as recorded directly from the Grad-13, no offset will be
applied (selected by default).
Offset to fixed value per Grad:
Will add a fixed value offset to each Grad-13 when displaying
during data acquisition.
Increment per Grad:
Putting a value in this box will increment the fixed offset in the first box by
this amount per Grad-13. e.g. With an offset of 5 and an increment of 5, the first Grad-13 will
have an offset of 5, the second an offset of 10, the third an offset of 15 etc.
Offset Median to zero:
This takes the median value of the collected data and subtracts it from
each data point in order to centre the data around zero. This option will alter the data post-
acquisition but will not affect live data.