Start of operation
Measuring System MAK TIGER 3003 Service manual, SA 131128, 10.03.2020
Attribution of PNET address sys-
tem 3003 and 3002
Machines which have been operated in the 3003 system (e.g. printers) can-
not be used in the 3002 system until the address has been reprogrammed.
This can currently only be done at BARTEC BENKE.
MID 6823-X
System 3002: PNET address 22 H
System 3003: PNET address 22 H
Register E8 = 342022
I/O box 6753-110
Supplier sampler 3002: PNET address 35 H
Supplier sampler 3003: PNET address 35 H
Bar code reading station 6723-10
System 3002: PNET address 46 H
System 3003: PNET address 46 H
V2000 Modul 6757-14
System 3002: PNET-Adresse 4A H,
System 3003: PNET-Adresse 4A H
ULTRASAMPLER controller 6771-31
System 3002: PNET address 4B H
System 3003: PNET address 4B H
Dual sampler controller 6970-30
Unit 1 system 3003: PNET address 4C H
Unit 2 system 3003: PNET address 4D H
Flow level meter 6826-X (connect to PNET for configuration only)
System 3003: PNET address 60 H
PNET addresses are written in HEX format ($).