Use the DXM Configuration Tool to:
Set the Admin Password
Change the Admin Password
Remove the Admin Password
To change or remove an admin password, the current password must be supplied. The DXM Controller must be connected
to the PC to change the administration password.
The DXM Controller can be unlocked without knowing the administration password, but doing this erases the configuration
program, logging files, and any ScriptBasic program on the device.
To unlock the hardware without knowing the administration password:
1. Turn off the power to the DXM Controller.
2. Open the controller top to access the button and DIP switches of the SAM4 processor board.
3. Turn on DIP switch 4 (next to the SD card holder).
4. Press and hold the reset button (next to the USB jack) while applying power to the DXM Controller.
5. Release the reset button.
6. After five seconds, turn off the power.
7. Turn off DIP Switch 4.
8. Install the DXM cover and apply power.
The device no longer has an administration password set.
10.3 Register Flow and Configuration
The DXM Controller register data flow goes through the Local Registers, which are data storage elements that reside within
the processor. Using the DXM Configuration Tool, the controller can be programmed to move register data from the Local
Register pool to remote devices, the internal radio, the I/O base, or the display.
DXM100-Bx Wireless Controller Instruction Manual
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