Example: Configure Input 1 as a Synchronous Counter
1. Connect the DXM Controller to the PC.
2. Launch the DXM Configuration Tool software.
3. Connect to the DXM Controller by selecting the Device > Connection Settings menu option. You may connect using
either USB or Ethernet.
4. Select a COMM port from the drop-down list and click Connect.
5. Click on the Register View tab on the left part of the page.
6. Change the Source Register selection to I/O Board Registers.
7. In the Write Registers area, write Modbus register 4908 to 1 to enable counting on the rising edge of the input signal.
8. Read Modbus registers 4910 and 4911 to get the 32-bit value of the count.
Example: Change Universal Input 2 to a 0 to 10 V dc Input
1. Connect the DXM Controller to the PC.
2. Launch the DXM Configuration Tool software.
3. Connect to the DXM Controller by selecting the Device > Connection Settings menu option. You may connect using
either USB or Ethernet.
4. Select a COMM port from the drop-down list and click Connect.
5. Click on the Register View tab on the left part of the page.
6. Change the Source Register selection to I/O Board Registers.
7. Write a 3 to Modbus register 3326 on Modbus Slave ID 200 (I/O board).
8. Cycle power to the device.
9. Using the Register View tab, read register 3326 to verify it is set to 3.
Example: Change Analog Output 1 to a 0 to 10 V dc Output
1. Connect the DXM Controller to the PC.
2. Launch the DXM Configuration Tool software.
3. Connect to the DXM Controller by selecting the Device > Connection Settings menu option. You may connect using
either USB or Ethernet.
4. Select a COMM port from the drop-down list and click Connect.
5. Click on the Register View tab on the left part of the page.
6. Change the Source Register selection to I/O Board Registers.
7. Set jumper 1 on the I/O base board to the 0 to 10 V position. Refer to the base board image for the analog output
jumper position.
8. Write a 3 to Modbus register 4008 on Modbus Slave ID 200 (I/O board).
9. Cycle power to the device.
10. Using the Register View tab, read register 4008 to verify it is set to 3.
5.6.2 NMOS Outputs
NMOS Discrete
Modbus Register
Less than 1 A maximum current at 30 V dc
ON-State Saturation: Less than 0.7 V at 20 mA
ON Condition: Less than 0.7 V
OFF Condition: Open
5.6.3 Analog (DAC) Outputs
The DXM100-B1 and S1 analog outputs may be configured as either 0 to 20 mA outputs (default) or 0 to 10 V outputs.
To change the analog (DAC) output type:
1. Remove power to the device.
2. Remove the DXM cover.
3. Change the hardware jumper position (see the table for the pin number and
on page 19 for the pin locations).
4. Replace the DXM cover.
5. Restore power to the DXM.
DXM100-Bx Wireless Controller Instruction Manual
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