DX80 Quick Start Guide
P/N 128185
Banner Engineering Corp.
Minneapolis, MN U.S.A.
www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164
RF Link Time-out & Recovery
Banner DX80 wireless devices employ a deterministic link time-out method to address RF link interruption or failure. As soon as a specific
Node/Gateway RF link times out, all pertinent wired outputs are de-energized until the link is recovered (see kit-specific Supplemental Sheet
for more information). Through this process, users of Banner wireless networks can be assured that disruptions in the communications link
will result in predictable system behavior.
Link time-out utilizes a fully-acknowledged polling method to determine RF link status of each Node on the network. If after a prescribed
number of sequential polling cycles the Node does not acknowledge a message, the Gateway considers the link with the Node to be timed
out. LCD displays on both the Node and Gateway will show *ERROR. Following a time-out, the Node de-energizes outputs; the Gateway (or
Repeater Node, if applicable) sets all outputs linked to the Node in question to a de-energized state, as well.
Once a link has been faulted, the Gateway must receive a number of good packets from the Node in question (with some hysteresis to
prevent link “toggling”) for the link to be reinstated. If the DX80 network is not Host-connected (RS485 serial access not enabled), outputs
are restored to current values when the link is recovered.
Link between Gateway and Node 1 timed out.
Link between Gateway and Node 1 recovered.