B&G LCD Plotter
Part 2 - Operating Information
2.19.5 Deleting All Markers
Press the MENU key and select MARKS. Next, select DELETE and press
SURE?” will appear. Confirm by pressing ENTER, or exit with any other key.
In either choice, only the markers present on the screen are deleted.
When markers are not previously stored, the message “NO MARK
PRESENT !” will appear.
2.20.1 Go To a Waypoint
Press the MENU key and select GO TO from the menu bar. Next, select
WAYPOINT and press the ENTER key to open the GO TO waypoint
window. Select the waypoint and confirm by pressing ENTER or press any
other key to exit. The LCD Plotter will track the route to reach the selected
waypoint. This waypoint will be the new target waypoint. The progressive
number will be changed, starting from the selected waypoint that will
become number one. The previous waypoint will be deleted. If no waypoints
are stored the message “NO WAYPOINTS PRESENT !” will appear.
2.20.2 Go To a Mark
Press the MENU key and select GO TO from the menu bar. Next, select
MARK and press ENTER to open the mark catalogue. Select the mark and
press ENTER to confirm or press any other key to exit. The LCD Plotter will
display the cursor placed on the mark with the relevant window. The scale
will be 4 NM (if available on the chart). If no mark is stored the message
“NO MARK PRESENT !” will appear.
2.20.3 Go To LAT/LON
Press the MENU key and select GO TO from the menu bar. Select
LAT/LON and press ENTER to open the GO TO window. To input the
position use the cursor key and press ENTER to confirm or any other key to
exit. The LCD Plotter will display the cursor placed on the selected position
at the maximum zoom with the relative information window.
+44 (0)1590 689699