B&G LCD Plotter
Part 2 - Operating Information
2.13.2 Marker (1)
Indicates a point of interest and is designated by a user-defined symbol (up
to 5), name (up to 8 characters) and/or a number.
2.13.3 Track (2)
Indicates the course travelled by the boat with a dashed line.
2.13.4 Boat Position (3)
Shows the position as read by the GPS.
2.13.5 Rubber Banding (4)
This is a line that maintains a connection between the last waypoint and the
cursor, or the boat position and the cursor when no waypoint is inserted. It
displays a proposed new route segment before selection. It can be
eliminated by pressing the DATA key.
2.13.6 Leg (5)
A leg is the portion of a route contained between 2 waypoints.
2.13.7 Waypoint (6)
Indicates an important point in the route (often one in which a turn is made)
and is represented by a number. An audible alarm and the message
“PROXIMITY TO WAYPOINT” inform the user 25 seconds before the
waypoint is reached. At the last waypoint the message is “End of route”. The
departure waypoint is represented by the symbol “X”. The target waypoint
(the next point toward which one is navigating) is a black circle.
2.13.8 Cursor (7)
Indicates a position in geographic co-ordinates in the appropriate data
window. It disappears when the plotter is working in navigation mode. To
+44 (0)1590 689699