1686-000 GB/2021-03
Performance of the foil test
1. Fill the ultrasonic oscillating tank with water and a suitable
ultrasound agent up to the filling level mark using the dosage
specified by the manufacturer.
2. Degas the sonication fluid.
See chapter
5.8 Degassing the sonication fluid – DEGAS
3. Tension the aluminium foil
(household foil 10
m to 25
thick) on the foil test frame.
Depending on the size of the
bath, the frame may protrude. It
is sufficient to cover the part of
the foil test frame that is sub-
merged in sonication fluid.
4. Place the covered foil test frame diagonally
in the centre of the ultrasonic oscillating
tank. Secure it if necessary.
5. Switch the ultrasound on. Sonicate the foil
for at least 1 minute until visible perforation
or formation of holes occurs. The sonication
time can be up to 3 minutes with stronger
foils (thicker or coated).
6. Switch off the ultrasound. Remove the foil test frame. Take the
aluminium foil off the foil test frame and allow it to dry.
7. The foil should be perforated,
see illustration. Otherwise, we
recommend having the device
checked by the BANDELIN
electronic GmbH & Co. KG ser-
vice department: see chapter
6.4 Repair
8. Archive the foil with the test
date and the serial number of
the ultrasonic bath. In addition, the documentation template for
the foil test can be filled in and archived.
9. Rinse the ultrasonic oscillating tank thoroughly to remove loose
foil particles.