1686-000 GB/2021-03
Checking ultrasonic effect
Check the effect of the ultrasound upon commissioning and at reg-
ular intervals. We recommend a check every 3 months. See chapter
6.3 Performing the foil test
6.3 Performing the foil test
A foil test should be performed before the first use and at regular
intervals, e.g. every 3 months. This is done to ensure the consistent
effectiveness of the ultrasound. You are responsible for how often
the test is performed.
The foil test is a simple method for determining the intensity and
distribution of the cavitation in an ultrasonic bath. This done by
inserting some aluminium foil stretched over a foil test frame. The
foil is perforated or destroyed by cavitation up to a certain degree
depending on the sonication time.
To be able to compare results, it is
important that the conditions of
the foil test are always the same
• Ultrasonic oscillating tank is filled up to the filling level mark
• Working temperature of sonication fluid
• Degassing time
• Position of frame
• Foil type (brand, thickness)
• Sonication time
• Type and concentration of ultrasound agent