Parametering of the inputs and outputs
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What, if a value falls below or exceeds the parameterized value?
Example: You expect a flow rate of 100m³ and you have allocated this value to the
20mA output. Temporarily, there is, however, a flow rate of 130m³. In this case,
there is always a 20mA output, even for the flow >100m³ .
Select after which period of time an error output should be effected (burnout).
Select the output flow rate supplied in case of an error.
8.3 Parametering of the relay
The PortaSonic 9000 has a relay output. It is possible to allocate both a function and
a range to the output.
Example of an external circuit:
It is, for instance, possible to couple a warning light to the output to indicate that the
flow rate has fallen below a certain minimum flow rate.
8.4 Colour coding of the relay output cable
Yellow Output 1
White Output 2