AON Mesh
Primarily designed for FTTH via ONT or Cable Modem connectivity, the AIR-706P is an
AON Mesh Ready
router. Unlike traditional routers, AON Mesh-enabled products
work together to deliver improved coverage and to provide a spectral blanket
spread eliminating the usual ―hard-to-get‖ areas especially blind spots or dead
zones. AON Mesh is an entirely optional addition to your wireless experience with
your AIR-706P.
NOTE: The Mesh Link is established through the 5.0 GHz frequency band.
AON Mesh Web User Interface
When in Mesh, the Web User Interface will consist a new menu, the Mesh Network.
Features such as Wireless in Basic and Advanced will not be available when in Mesh.
There are two types Web User Interface you can access when in mesh. These are;
Mesh Controller
Mesh Node