AXIS Q6055-S PTZ Network Camera
DC output
Power out
12 V DC, 50 mA
Digital input
0 to max 30 V DC
Configurable I/O 1 (Input or
Digital output (transistor – open
0 to max 30 V DC, open drain,
100 mA
Digital input
0 to max 30 V DC
Configurable I/O 2 (Input or
Digital output (transistor – open
0 to max 30 V DC, open drain,
100 mA
Network connector dip switches
Always use the default dip switch setting (position B) if the relationship between devices in the system is not defined.
The camera attaches a particular VLAN tag to all its forwarded multicast packages. The media converter switch manages how these
multicast packages are forwarded between cameras, media converter switches and other network devices. This is especially useful
when connecting the camera and media converter switch to the network in a daisy chain.
By changing the position of the dip switches, each network connector port in the media converter switch can be configured
to manage multicasts in three different ways.
Dip switch position
Default (middle)
Remove VLAN tags from forwarded multicast packages. Use this setting when connecting to the
network, directly or through a router or network switch.
Block multicast packages that have a VLAN tag. Use this setting when connecting to a device that is
not intended for multicast viewing.
Forward multicast packages with a VLAN tag. Use this setting when connecting to another media
converter switch.
VLAN tags are used to create independent logical networks, virtual local area networks (VLANs), within a physical network. Multiple
media converter switches that are connected to each other in a daisy chain are members of the same VLAN. The media converter
switches tag the multicast packages moving between them so that the next media converter switch in line knows the destination of
the packages. In other words, the VLAN tag serves as a VLAN identifier. VLAN tagging should only be used when using multiple
cameras and media converter switches because forwarding multicast packages with a VLAN tag only serves a purpose when the port
is connected to another media converter switch, which might be connected to potential viewers.