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Axicon Auto ID Limited | inline verifier user guide | Dec 2018
Axicon 6525-S, 7025-S
Export requirements
You may not export or re-export the software in contravention of any applicable
laws or regulations.
This agreement should be construed in accordance with the laws of England.
In the following the expression “verifier” means the verifier hardware and the
associated software.
We have taken care to ensure that this verifier is free from defects. However since
we have no control over the circumstances in which you might use it you must
satisfy yourself that it is suitable for your needs. Neither Axicon Auto ID Limited
nor the vendor of this verifier can accept any liability for any loss or damage
(consequential or otherwise) which may be caused by its use.
If the verifier or any part of it is defective in any way, or in some other way does
not meet your expectations, the liability of Axicon Auto ID Limited is limited to the
cost of the product. You should bear this limitation in mind if you use this verifier
in any situations where the acceptance or rejection of shipments of goods or your
reputation may depend upon the quality of a barcode.
Software licence agreement