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Q1: Why can I see 2 IP address on IPEDIT.exe but can only reach one ?
Why did IPEIDT.exe show the LAN IP address as no network cable connect ?
Why did IPEDIT.exe show the WIFI IP address as no WIFI router available ?
A1: 9255W will remember the LAN / WAN setting one connect .Please select the IP you can log
into 9255W to operate.
There is no problem if connect both LAN and WAN
But the Gateway setting will affect as working on Internet and also sending / receiving
email . User should select the correct Gateway as need to get into 9255W on Internet
Q2 : Why can`t I see my 9255W after arrange the port forwarding in my router?
A2 : Please make sure the Gateway is correct Gateway ( LAN or WAN )
Q3 : Why can`t I receive email ?
A3: Please check the setting first and then make sure the DNS is correct ( Check your router /
asked your ISP company ) .There is test button for checking the the setting success or fail to
send mail.
Q4 : Why can`t I see the current chart ?
A4 : Please check the web browser version . Need IE 9.0 or above version
To see this section display normally, please do use IE9.0 or above, Firefox,
Google Chrome or Safari and set resolution at 1280*768 .
Q5: Why can`t I get the IP in IPEDIT by LAN after delete WIFI profile or lost WIFI AP
connection ?
A5: If the WiFi connection for 9255W lost or the WiFi AP router damage,
9255W can not get the WiFi IP then it will change it`s IP to fixed IP address as
User can not see the IP by IPEDIT as the Gateway is still at EiFi .
At this time , there are 2 ways re-log in 9255W . :
BY WiFi connection : Please reboot 9258W and Re-connect 9255W with new WiFi router by
“ WPS “ button ( can do this way without 9258 W2 power reboot )
BY LAN connection :
Please refer following step :