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Current (1-12 )Amp
This section allow to set up the maximum value of current.
The range is at 1~ 12 amp . As over the setting value, 9255W will keep beeping
( 4 short beep ) for several times and then turn off the power output as OFF
Over Current Protection ( Max. Current limit )
There has
“ over current protection” in 9255W. As the Amp value of power number is over the
setting or over the maximum value 12 Amp, 9255W will automatically turn off that power A in few
seconds . There is an alarm with beep sound and via e-mail advice as over current. The alarm
can be enable or disable for each power in Alarm setting of Power Control in IO Control section.
As the detected Amp value is over the current limit setting, 9255W will keep short 2 beep for
several times to remind the over loading issue happened and then turn off that output after a long
beeping .
Voltage limit
This section allow to set up the range of voltage and the action
On / Off / None - as the voltage over setting . The range is at 60~ 260 VAC.
As over setting , 9255W will keep beeping for several times and then do the
setting action and then keep beeping . There is voltage value that 9255W
detect now show in the head of this area.
Temperature limit
This section allow to set up the range of voltage and the action
On/ Off / None - as the voltage over setting. The range is at 0 ~ 100
(32 ~212
F ). As over setting , 9255W will keep beeping for several times
and then do the setting action then keep beeping . There is temperature
value that 9255W detect now show in the head of this area.
Default Power status : The control section allow you to set the power status On/
Off / Last when the device power Reboot . The output will be same status as
choose LAST before the device power turn off.
After click “ Apply “ , the webpage will refresh and you can see the final setting result.
Port Name:
User can name each power by click the name above the power button