Approach Procedures
After the aircraft is cleaned up, go-around power applied
and climb-out attitude established, press the “Enable
Published Missed” L5 LSK on the PFD page if not
already pressed
Press the “NAV” button and the “VNAV” button on the
autopilot control head after crossing the MAP.
Using VNAV to fly a Coupled Missed Approach
Using VNAV to fly a coupled published missed
approach is a highly recommended technique
because it automatically fills in all autopilot lateral
and vertical targets and even protects against
insufficient climb power via Envelope Protection.
However, do NOT press the VNAV button prior to
reaching the Missed Approach Point (MAP).
TO/GA mode is entered by pressing the TO/GA button on or near
the aircraft throttle(s) in those aircraft that support this
The system uses the current autopilot state to determine if Take-
Off (TO) or Go-Around (GA) behavior is desired.
If the autopilot had been in any mode other than
the time of TO/GA control activation, it is assumed that GA
behavior is desired
In GA, the system will initially seek a fixed pitch that results in
climb under full power for the aircraft type and zero roll. That
pitch value varies with aircraft type but ranges from 5 deg (e.g.
most single engine piston aircraft) to 8 deg (e.g. most turbine
aircraft). Once the initial fixed pitch and zero roll have been
achieved, follow-on navigation and autopilot performance will take
over as described below.
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