Approach Procedures
If flying a Vectors-To-Final approach, use 1 of 2 techniques:
1. Use the Vectors-To-Final selection in the FMS400/900w
drop down windows to select that type of transition to the
localizer final and the “HDG” button on the autopilot
control panel and control the aircraft vector via the
Heading knob on the keyboard. (
Recommended Technique
2. Use the Heading knob on the keyboard and the “HDG”
button on the autopilot control panel when ATC is issuing
NAV APPR can be armed prior to capturing the localizer beam
but it is highly recommended to wait until ATC clears you for the
approach before trying to arm NAV and APPR. To arm NAV
APPR while still in Heading/Vectors mode, press the “NAV” (or
“APPR”) button. Once armed, the system will automatically
capture the localizer signal and transition out of Heading/Vectors
mode on its own.
Ensure the Primary Nav LSK is set to a VHF source
(NAV1 or NAV2) and tuned to a localizer and the localizer
approach is loaded in the FMS900w
Ensure the front course is set in the Selected Course
When cleared for the approach or established on final,
press the “NAV” or “APPR” buttons on the autopilot
control panel (either will work)
Note that the “NAV” and “APPR” buttons on the autopilot
control panel are lit in cyan
Execute the approach by commanding heading until the
localizer is captured
Note that “
” is now displayed in green in the
PFD mode annunciator section
If desired, VS mode can be used to control the vertical
Execute a missed approach, if appropriate