Approach Procedures
4 Approach Procedures
The integrated DFC100 and IFD system is designed to take full
advantage of the auto transition capability of the FMS900w for
flying a GPS flight plan ending in a GPS or ILS approach. As
long as the desired approach has been selected in the FMS900w
and is part of the active flight plan, courses will be automatically
loaded and many mode transitions will be automatic resulting in a
hands-free transition.
If the approach was not part of the active FMS flight plan, or
NAV1/2 was manually selected in the PFD Pri Nav field, it is
required that the inbound course be set using the PFD course set
knob for accurate localizer intercept and tracking.
Note that “GS” mode as annunciated refers to a generic
glideslope, encompassing both ILS glideslope and GPS WAAS
approach vertical guidance.
LPV (RNAV) approaches are the preferred approach for the
combined IFD-DFC100 system, if available.
When “FMS” has been selected as the source in the “Primary
Nav” LSK, and one of the RNAV/GPS approach types with
vertical guidance (LPV, L/VNAV, LNAV+V) is selected in the
FMS, the ADI will provide horizontal and vertical guidance by
means of the CDI, HDI and VDI.
WAAS approaches must be flown with the DFC100 system in
NAV APPR mode and the “Primary Nav” LSK set to FMS. For a
full approach, the autopilot will remain in NAV throughout the
approach. For a vectors-to-final approach, the autopilot will be in
HDG with NAV armed until the final approach course is captured,
and then it will switch automatically to NAV. For those WAAS
approaches that have a vertical guidance component, once the
aircraft is on final, the GS mode will also engage.
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