Approach Procedures
There is a distinction between whether a missed approach has
been enabled or not, and, what type of missed approach is called
for by the pilot – Published Missed Approach or Assigned Missed
Approach. Enabling the missed approach, and selecting
Published vs. Assigned is done via the L5 Line Select Key on a
PFD-configured Integrated Flight Display.
On final approach, pressing TO/GA causes the autopilot to:
Activate PITCH mode and pitch aircraft up
Arm ALT mode
Disarm all lateral modes and activate ROLL mode, wings
level, if no missed approach is enabled
Remain in NAV mode, if a missed approach is enabled
Arm HDG mode, if an assigned missed approach is
Arm VNAV mode, if a published missed approach is
At the Missed Approach Point (MAP), the following additional
actions are automatically performed:
All armed (
) autopilot modes transition to engaged
Primary Nav source selection on the IFD automatically
switches to FMS
In summary, the system will immediately initiate a pitch up, and
assuming sufficient power/energy, a climb but, aside from the
FMS monitoring progress toward the MAP, no lateral action will
take place until passing the MAP.
If TO/GA is activated at any time other than take-off or on an
approach, the system will still activate PITCH mode, pitch up and
arm ALT mode in the vertical axis and disarm any lateral axis
mode and activate ROLL mode.
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