Aural Alerts, 1-5
Mode Annunciator Strip, 1-5
PFD Annunciators, 1-17
WAAS, 4-2
GPS, 4-5
VOR, 4-5
Localizer, 4-6
ILS, 4-7
Procedure Turns, 4-8
Back course, 4-9
Missed Approach, 4-10
Autopilot Controls, 1-4
Autopilot Modes
Pitch mode, 3-2
Roll mode, 3-2
Vectors mode, 3-3
Nav mode, 3-4
Altittude Hold mode, 3-5
IAS Hold mode, 3-5
VS Hold mode, 3-6
Altitude Capture mode, 3-10
VNAV mode, 3-7
Straight and Level mode, 3-12
Pilot-select intercept angle, 3-13
Control Wheel Steering, 3-14
Takeoff/Go Around, 3-15, 4-11
Glide slope, 4-7
Brightness Controls, 2-2
Comparators, 1-14
Engagement and Hold Limits, 1-13
Envelope Alerting, 1-9
Envelope Protection, 1-8
Failure Modes
Loss of all DFC100 function, 5-2
Degradation of function, 5-3
No effect on function, 5-4
Autopilot failures, 5-5
Alerts, 5-7
Loss of Engine, 5-10
Flight Director, 1-16
General Overview/Topics
Armed vs Engaged, 1-5
Baro adjust, 1-12
Manual Electric Trim, 1-6
Engagement, 1-15
Disengagement, 1-15
General Performance – Cirrus, 6-2
Performance – Non Cirrus, 6-4
Ground Operations
System Power, 2-2
Self Test, 2-2
Brightness controls, 2-2
Pre-flight checks, 2-3
Before takeoff checks/setup, 2-4
Limitations, 6-2
Miscompares, 1-14, 5-7
Mode Transitiions, 1-6
Performance in pitch trim-only a/c, 6-6
Performance in non-Cirrus aircraft, 6-6
Servo Limit, 6-3
Software Compatibility Table, 6-4
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